
Sunday, November 11, 2012

From There to Here


On September 8, 2012 I was invited to be a presenter at Experiencers Speak, a conference in Gorham Maine that focused on experiencers telling their stories about their lifelong abduction experiences.  I never thought that I would even be considered to talk publicly about these things, as those who normally spoke at these events were usually well known authors, scientists, philosophers and those with the letters P, h and D after their names.

I was quite taken aback when I read the roster of fellow speakers which included the likes of Travis Walton, Peter Robbins, Kathleen Marden, Chris Augustin, Todd Sheldon and others.  Although I had finally come to terms with the fact that I was an abductee only a couple of years ago, I decided that it was time to speak publicly about my experiences, and I did so via various radio and television interviews, and by starting a blog.

This past year has proven to be one of change for me, and for that reason I opted to speak before a live audience for the first time in my life.  Although the thought of speaking in front of people face to face was quite horrifying, the fact that my youngest daughter Emily was joining me on my journey gave me much needed peace as she has been so supportive in my "coming out", as has my oldest daughter Elise.

After I had committed myself to this task, an unexpected event happened to me, an event that would change my life forever.  I had been contacted through facebook by a fellow experiencer who had listened to an interview I had done for Whitley Strieber's Dreamland segment for his website unknowncountry, so I accepted his friend request as I do for many experiencers who share their interest in my story in hopes that they will share theirs with me.  Little did I know what fate had in store for me by doing so, but as I have come to learn, fate had nothing to do with it at all.

The day was April 20, 2012, right on the cusp of the ram turning into the month of the bull.  He didn't share much about his experiences with me, but that is pretty normal for most as I know how hard it is to come to terms with them on a personal level, much less share them with a complete stranger.  Believe me—I know all about the baby steps that one needs to take to accept the oddities that are involved in the abduction experience, so I am always very patient with my inquiries about their journeys.

We casually chatted online for a couple of months, and we slowly started sharing our experiences and our journeys from there to here.  He seemed quite nice, and I really enjoyed our conversations as he was very polite and unobtrusive.  We chatted about our families, careers and general life experiences, and I found him to be quite kindred in many ways.  I didn't really give much thought to anything more than an online friendship at that point, as I had many others like him who enjoyed sharing their personal experiences with me for moral support, which I embrace as I realize that this is my path to follow here in this moment.

Since I had just recently ended a long term relationship, I was very cautious as I was still extremely vulnerable, and emotionally tattered.  I had been through so much already in my life, and although I had no idea where I was to go from that point I surrendered to the universe and asked that the next time I was presented with a potential partner to please make it someone who was kindred to me (and I was VERY specific), an experiencer and a parent, as my children are the most important things in the world to me.

I started meditating more frequently as I knew it would help me to stay on my path, and possibly gain some insightful guidance from those who have been with me on my journey here.  I knew to remain open to these messages, and pay attention to them diligently.  My past experiences with meditation proved to me that by doing so I would always be where I am supposed to be at that moment.

One evening while I was working on my book, I received a message from "them" (whom I choose to refer to as my spirit guides) to close my computer, go into the bedroom, turn off the light, sit at the end of the bed facing the armoire and meditate for 15 minutes.  I was so surprised that this message was so specific, but I did as I was told, even though I was deep into my writing that evening.

I sat there for 15 minutes and asked for the message I was being directed to receive, but nothing came.  I was very frustrated with myself as apparently I wasn't open, or I would have received something.  When nothing happened after those very specific 15 minutes had expired, I got up and went back into the living room to resume working on my book.

As I reopened my laptop, I realized that I had lost my focus.  I was now completely sidetracked and decided I would log into Facebook to see what was going on in the land of social media.  No sooner did I log in did that certain gentleman send me an instant message saying hello.  I had a strange feeling at that moment, when I saw his name.  Why was he so familiar to me?  I get many such messages on a daily basis from people I have never personally met, but for some reason he all of a sudden seemed like he was someone I knew personally.  We exchanged hellos, and talked for a bit, but the suspense was killing me, so I clicked on his profile and began to look at his photos to see if I recognized him.

The first thing that caught my eye was his cover photo of 3 stunning people.  I asked him who they were, and he told me that they were his children.  I couldn't stop staring at them as they were all so beautiful.  I clicked on his photos, and I still couldn't place his face as someone I had met.  I then came across a photo of a stunning young woman holding a small child.  I asked him if she was his wife whom he had previously told me had passed away many years ago from cancer, and he replied that it was.  I couldn't stop looking at her, and she was looking right back at me!

I suddenly began to feel very strange, as if she were looking right at me to tell me something.  I then realized that SHE was the one giving me a message, and it was for him.  I told him this, and that he wasn't going to believe it but I had just finished meditating and I now knew why.  It was her, his wife, who was communicating with me.  I told him that she wanted him to know that she was so proud of him, that she missed him, and that she loved him and was all around him all the time.

There was a brief pause in our communication, and then he wrote back that he really needed to hear that right now as he had been thinking about her all day as it would have been her 50th birthday.  That day was July 7th, so her birthday was in 1962.  I was blown away by all of this, as I have never received a message like this for anyone before, especially from a photograph.  What was also interesting was that day was also one of my best childhood friend's birthday in the same year, and it was also my wedding anniversary in 1984.  I told him this, and he told me that they had been married in August of 1984.

Anyone who knows me, or has read any of my previous blog posts knows that I pay very close attention to synchronicities, so I kept asking more questions as I felt that there was a reason for all of this.  I then asked him how old he was, and he replied that he was also 50, and I replied that I was as well, and so was my ex.  I was now thinking about my next question, which was obviously going to be about his birthdate.  When I asked him he responded with March 26, 1962.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I read this, as that is also my exact birthdate.

We were stunned.  He pays very close attention to synchronicities as well, so at that point we proceeded to ask more questions.  As I had felt very kindred to him up to this point, and that there was a strong sense of familiarity on my part, I wondered what this was all about.  The obvious question for me was if I had met him before during one of my experiences, and I asked him to send me some pictures of himself when he was a child, and I did the same.

There was no recognition between us in our earlier childhood photos, but one photo of me when I was in 8th grade in a Halloween costume (dressed as an alien no less) stopped him dead in his tracks.  He recognized me, and started sobbing uncontrollably.  I asked him why he was crying, and he said all he could think was that he was so sorry he couldn't help me.  I was thoroughly baffled at this statement, and he said that he remembers me somehow at that age, and that he was watching something happening to me, and all he could do was watch, but he couldn't help me.

 Halloween 1975

If this is true, and he was with me during one of my abduction experiences, I have no recollection at all about this one in particular which makes me wonder how many more there might be that I haven't recalled.  Is this our connection?  If so, how many more experiences have we had together? We have been trying to unravel this, wracking our brains along the way, and one of the obvious ways of trying to solve this cosmic puzzle would be through hypnosis which I have always been afraid of.  And maybe at the same time what would be retrieved from that might not be important, for what is most important is this, this connection, or reconnection that we have made.

This is only the beginning of what is going to be a very long story to tell, and as I don't want to leave out one detail I am going to write them in chapters.  This is the single most amazing thing that has ever happened to me, for so many reasons, and I am thrilled that I may be finally coming closer to finding out the answers to many of the questions I've had regarding my experiences, and my journey here.


Friday, October 19, 2012

Anne Strieber writes about Suzanne in her diary

Anne Strieber

I recently had the pleasure of joining Anne Strieber for some much needed "coffee talk", and I shared with her a part of my life that has taken me to here. It truly is amazing to me, and apparently amazed her as well as she wrote about it in her diary at Unknown Country. You can read the story, linked HERE.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Random Alien Brain Drop Number 16

It has been awhile since my last post.  As tumultuous as things have been on this earth these past few months, such has been my life.  But now it is time start anew, as the universe has blessed me with the most amazing synchronicities I have ever experienced.  The cosmic "boot" has finally kicked me in the ass to start blogging again, and I truly believe that this is the beginning of the next chapter of the most amazing part of my life.

Based on my research over the past couple of years I have found that many experiencers seem to possess some sort of heightened awareness, psychic abilities, precognition, synchronicity or just plain all around high strangeness in their lives.  I can completely attest to that, but what I find fascinating is that these things have increased in intensity. I am not quite sure what is causing this, but I speculate that we are all evolving, and as these things are happening with more frequency we are finally beginning to pay more attention to them. By doing so, we are collectively realizing that there really is more than "this".

The rising of the collective consciousness is a very powerful thing.  We have seen the miracles brought on by the power of prayer, intention, and manifestation.  To say that there isn't something bigger than this is completely ludicrous.

Although most of my memories of my abduction experiences are far from pleasant, they have affected my perception of what is real and tangible, and most of all they have changed what I have been taught to believe is truth.  If I had not had these experiences, I would most probably be one of the tens of millions with my head in the sand.

So maybe there was something gained from this after all.  My eyes and ears are wide open to the possibilities that lie beyond the veil, and that veil is slowly being lifted as I have finally begun to connect with everything that exists on the other side of it.

When I hear the word "coincidence", I silently chuckle as I think that word should be eradicated from the Merriam Webster "bible".  I trust that many of you who are reading this will agree with me, as we know that there is no such thing.  I base this thought on the high levels of synchronicity that surrounds many experiencer's lives, myself included.  The most amazing thing about it is that because of those synchronicities, I probably would have never thought that there was more than this existence, this plane, this dimension, and this reality which we have been taught to believe is THE reality.

I was given a very strong message last year after a meditation to pay attention to these synchronicities, especially to those whom I experience them with as they are there for a reason. You all need to do the same, as these synchronicities are the stepping stones set for you on your journey here, which will become the ladder that you climb to the ascension of your higher state of being, or in other words, your higher self.

This place where I am now marks the beginning of me, recognizing my higher self, and trusting that the path I have set from before March 26, 1962, when I crossed the veil and forgot what I knew then.


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Whitley Strieber interviews Suzanne

audio interview with Whitley Strieber and Suzanne Chancellor

On April 20, 2012 Whitley Strieber posted an audio interview with Suzanne. Here's what he wrote:

An Abductee Gets Personal--and Goes Public!

Close encounter witnesses rarely state their names in public, but Suzanne Chancellor not only does that, she's got a blog and a radio show, and a phenomenal story to tell. Listen and be horrified, enthralled and amazed as Whitley Strieber questions her on what happened to her and why she has taken the unprecedented step of going public not only with her information, but with her name. Is it time for others to step forward, perhaps many of us, maybe hundreds or even thousands?

What if we all did it. If enough of us say we're sick of hiding and sick of being laughed at and demand respect and state our names, we might well change the world, or take a very long step toward doing that.
Think about it. It's time.

Read the original source:

Go to the original source (HERE) on the DREAMLAND page of Unknown Country.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Suzanne interviews Ricky G

Suzanne Chancellor interviews abductee Ricky G. This audio conversation was originally aired in April of 2012 on Suzanne's radio program. The show was also called, curiously enough, Random Alien Brian Droppings.

part 1 of 4

part 2 of 4

part 3 of four

part 4 of 4


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Suzanne is interviewed by two Australians

Suzanne is interviewed by two Australians

Monday, February 20, 2012

Random Alien Brain Drop Number 15

I have no conscious memory of having any physical abductions since 1989.   Since then, all of my contacts have been through telepathic communications, synchronistic events, or precognitive dreams.  I say this because after many years of horrific abductions, my experiences changed.  Did they change because of my own heightened awareness, or did the beings that I have been involved with evolve themselves into another conscious state?  Maybe it is our collective conscious awakening here on earth that keeps them at a distance.

I feel that the human race is angry.  Picture now the scene from the movie "Network", where everyone professes that they're mad as Hell, and they're not gonna take it anymore. They hate their governments, especially we Americans, who must live within the laws of the bastardization of the Declaration of "Independence".  So might this be the catalyst for us to collectively fight back for our rights?  Might the combined energy from this anger be a shield of sorts to protect us from the malevolent abduction scenario?

I am finally coming to terms with what has happened to me throughout my life, and at the same time the all too familiar abduction scenario seems to have changed shape.  As I have become more consciously aware, the energies that previously presented themselves have taken a back seat, and only appear in the periphery.

Last July I began to meditate quite frequently, as was suggested at the time by a fellow experiencer. One night while dog sitting,  I went to bed and asked whomever was communicating with me to give me a message, and what it was that they wanted from me.  I tucked myself in, and went to sleep.

I awoke with a start.  I looked at the clock, and it was 3:33 am. I felt wide awake as if I hadn't been sleeping at all.  The dog was fast asleep next to me which was interesting as when I looked towards the bedroom door I saw three grays standing there, almost at attention.  My reaction to their presence was baffling, and I actually chuckled as I felt no fear from their presence in the room. Then they spoke to me telepathically, "We are the grays, and we are here".  

At that moment I felt a sense of protection, as if there was a higher energy keeping them from coming in contact with me.  I compare it to a stand off at high noon, waiting to draw our weapons. But they just stood there.  I laughed again, and they turned around and walked away.

Were they there just to make their presence known, that they will always be a part of my life?  Is another energy intervening, and protecting me from their malevolent energy?  

Maybe they just walked away, knowing that I am mad as Hell, and I'm not gonna take it anymore.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Random Alien Brain Drop Number 14

I am highly speculative of anyone who claims to have all the answers. We don't really know why these things have been going on for thousands, if not millions of years here on earth. Generations upon generations have speculated about this amazing phenomenon, based on archaeological findings, and personal experiences.

There seems to be a recurring conclusion to these hypotheses, which leads us in the direction of realizing that maybe it's really just a comparative study of our own interpretation of such events, and findings. I am an experiencer, and have been for 46 years, and I have learned so much on this journey. But the one thing that is very clear to me, is that no one person has all the answers. We as a human race are far too primitive to even comprehend these answers, nor are we qualified to be able to articulate the correct questions.

To say that this whole enigma is bigger than us might be redundant, but it should actually impress on us the need to remain open, consciously and spiritually, so that when the day finally does come to face what is destined for us, we will at least be able to comprehend part of the equation.