
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Random Brain Drop Number Seven

My first recollection of my first alien encounter was just that.

An alien encounter.

When I was very young, the only thing I could think that was happening to me was that I was being visited by vampires or ghosts while I was sleeping, or that I was having extremely vivid dreams. No one ever talked about the possibilities of an alien existence outside our world, or that they would be here amongst us without our knowledge.

As I got older, I began to see pictures on book covers that struck a familiar chord with me. It was a drawing of a "typical" gray alien, and from that moment on, the pieces of the puzzle started to come together. Well, I thought they did then, but I now feel as though the puzzle has fallen on the floor, and all the pieces are laying in a pile. All of the research I had done was now defunct, and it was back to the drawing board for me.

I thought I had all the answers, via the powers of the internet, and through various witness's testimonies. I was an experiencer, a contactee, and I had been abducted. This was comforting in an odd sort of way, as although I wished not to belong to this group who had been taken against our will and been experimented on, at least I "belonged" somewhere. This past year has been the most enlightening one for me by far, and the most confusing, all because someone came forward and said that they were a MILAB.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the term, a MILAB is someone who is abducted by our own military. Most MILAB's abduction experiences began when they were very young. They were abducted by the military for various reasons, such as, but not limited to, medical experiments, hybridization, and military black operations. Most MILABS had family members who worked for military or government agencies, or they did themselves. Most MILABS had their IQ's tested when they were very young. Those children who were considered extremely intelligent were put into special classes for the extremely gifted. They were also sent so "special" summer camps, where they honed their "special" abilities.

All of the above pertains to me. When I was born, my father worked for Jet Propulsion Laboratories in Pasadena, California, and my grandfather worked for Cal Tech in the same city.

My father would bring home these weird electrical boxes and give them to me, and tell me to take them apart and put them back together again. I have no idea why, but I understood how to do this at 6 years old. My grandfather was involved in the first Apollo mission, and made the first hammer that went to the moon. It is presently floating around in space somewhere with his name on it, or is it? My mother had my IQ tested when I was 5. I scored very high, and subsequently I was placed in classes for the highly gifted in elementary and junior high school. I went to various summer camps, but I have no recollection that any one of them were "unique".

So who was it that visited me, and experimented on me? This definitely throws a wrench in the mix. My question to you experiencers out there is this- does any of this ring true for you?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Random Brain Drop of the Sixth Sense

After watching an incredibly inspiring video last night entitled "A Guided Meditation Through Your Interiors", I was inspired to write about something that was shared with me during one, if not many, of my visitations with the beings who presented themselves to me. I think at this point, I should elaborate just exactly what I mean by "beings". When I was younger, the beings that appeared to me were the grays, the workers. They were like small children, maybe not any taller than I was at 4 years old (although I was tall for my age). My memories of them are quite vague, due to the fact that it was so long ago, or it might have been deliberate as I believe a lot of those experiences included abductions that were quite terrifying. Bits and pieces of the puzzle have been returning to me here and there like snapshots. Some of the pictures I wish did not exist, but they are part of who I am today, so in a way, I embrace them as part of my past like everything else. I do believe that samples of my blood were taken from me, as one of the snapshots includes another much taller being standing over me with a very long needle, but I don't remember what happened after that. These beings continued to make themselves known to me through my adolescence, and during that time there was still a great deal of fear involved, as I "knew" what they had done, and were doing to me. When I say "knew", it's as though I had a knowing, or a heightened awareness about everything around me, including when they were coming for me. I was around 9 years old when I noticed this heightened sensitivity, and Ii can recall waking up right before they came for me, and it gave me just enough time to try and hide from them, which was obviously futile. But I certainly remember hiding from them in the bathtub, behind my bedroom door, or in the closet. Eventually, I would just look out the bedroom window, close the blinds, and just sit on my bed and wait for them to come to me. I'm surprised now that I didn't just go out to them. These beings that appeared to me continued to do so through my teens, and it was during that time that I experienced a "shift" of sorts, and I believe that the abduction experiences went from traumatic, to enlightening. In retrospect, it's as if I'd "earned my wings", and I had graduated to the next level of the abduction "experience". My experiences were more about training and education, and I was finally allowed to board one of their crafts. It's as though the tables had had turned, and now I was learning about them. The beings were much taller, and dare I say elegant? Or was it that their vibration, or frequency was at a much higher level? I don't know, but our exchanges (yes- they were all telepathic) were very pleasant, and loving. It was at this time that I began to realize that they were here for a reason, and although I don't believe that all the different alien races that are visiting, or have visited our earth are here to help us, these beings were. One of the most important messages came to me during a visitation with one os these beings, but I have no memory of whether or not it was a physical being, or an energy being. The message was that we as a human race need to let go of the ego, as it is not the energy that we need to sustain ourselves on this planet. Humans are addicted to the ego energy being, as we feel it makes us stronger, and brings us much power. This is not true, as we need to become radiant beings to survive eternally. If you choose to become a magnet, you suck in all the energy to sustain only yourself. But if you take in the energy, and give the energy back out to the earth, and the universe, you become a radiant being, and radiant beings are eternal. Notice the difference- you are a magnet, and you suck all the energy only into yourself. You become radiant by emitting that light back to the universe, and radiant beings are eternal.

Random Brain Drop Number One

I am reposting this, because for some odd reason it completely disappeared from my archives.

After hearing story after story of female abductions that involved egg removal for alien hybridation, random thoughts (or memories?) have flooded my brain. In 1989, during the most incredible visitation i had experienced thus far, "they" told me that these memories would return, when it was "time". The memories of my childhood visitations and abductions are quite sparse, as of my brain is only "allowed" to grab single snapshots here and there. I believe that this is because those memories were either "deleted", or purposely suppressed, as they were most likely quite horrific. I think that most abductees are not randomly selected, and that they already have a plan for that one particular human "specimen" from beginning to end. Therefore, by suppressing these memories it allows the abductee to avoid the post traumatic stress of reliving the experience, and the possibility of suffering a nervous breakdown, which would disrupt their plan they had for that particular individual. Awhile ago, i began having a lot of dreams of being pregnant, and of holding a little baby girl in my arms. They were so real, and they were the same type of dreams that i had during both of my pregnancies, which resulted the births of two beautiful girls. The one thing that sticks out in my mind the most, was a beautiful woman handing her to me, and telling me that her name was "Grace". I was allowed to hold her, but then she took her away. I was not the least bit saddened by this, as i knew there was a bigger plan far beyond my comprehension at that time, and that i would see her again.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Random Brain Drop from the Fifth Dimension

I have always known from early on that there was something more than "this".  My childhood fascination with vampires, ghosts, and witchcraft were the catalysts in my desire for knowledge of the paranormal, or in other words, what was it that was out there,  other than the ordinary facade that was created for us to believe was "reality".  I could never put a finger on what it was that compelled me, but I was driven to find an answer.  Every weekend I would watch every Dracula movie, "Twilight Zone", "Outer Limits", "Star Trek"- you name it.  If it was related to the paranormal, I was all over it. These TV shows and movies confirmed the fact that there were other people like me who were driven to explore the possibilities of otherworldy, and inter-dimensional realities above and beyond our comprehension.  What compelled H G Wells the write both "The Time Machine" in 1895, and "The War of the Worlds" in 1898?  To say that he was way ahead of his time is an understatement.  I wonder where his vision stemmed from?  Was he an experiencer, contactee, or abductee? What about Jules Verne's "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea", which was written in 1869?  Was he privy to information about the possibility of other life in the deepest fathoms of our earth?  The movie trailer for the time machine is quite prophetic, and although it was adapted in 1953, the visual impact is quite compelling as there things are coming to fruition as we speak.  Time travel and teleportation have been proven possible, as the laws of physics, science and nature are being rewritten almost daily.  It's interesting that "The War of the Worlds" was not made into a motion picture until 1953, six years after the Roswell "incident"  Maybe Roswell was the one event that made them scratch their heads and think that maybe Mr. Wells was probably not off his rocker, and they finally had the "golden ticket" to make a movie on the UFO phenomenon, 45 years after the book was first written.  I read all these books, including the Holy Bible, which I read when I was nine.  Although they satiated my cerebral palate, I still knew there was something something else out there.  Where were all the other books and movies about the other worldly beings- the ones the ones who had been visiting me since I was in preschool?  The ALIENS!!!  It's almost as they were intentionally overlooked,  to shroud us from the truth, and keep us in the dark.  I know that the knowledge we have had in regards to these entities who have lived among us for hundreds of years have been kept a deep, dark secret, and many have given their lives in their quests for disclosure.  So we are in a present day war with our world, but not for long.  Educate yourselves, your loved ones, and everyone else you can, as these times will most likely be changing in ways that you never thought possible.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Random Brain Drop Number Four

I was four years old, and in preschool.  It was the beginning of June, and we were all in the classroom getting ready for naptime.  I always dreaded this part of the day because I hated taking naps, and I would always just lay there completely bored our of my skull.  As soon as it was over it was recess, my favorite part of the day.  We all went outside, and I didn't feel like playing with anyone, so I went off by myself.  I thought it might be fun to do something different for a change, so I went exploring outside of the playground. There was an opening in the chain link fence that I could fit through, and I wandered out into the field behind it.  I noticed that a little ways out there was what appeared to be an abandoned barn, or shed of some sort, so I decided to go inside and check it out.  When I went inside, the sunlight creeped in through the wooden slats, and rays of light streamed in which gave an eerie diffused atmosphere.  I noticed an old saddle in the corner, and some hooks with a couple of bridles on them, and I knew then that it was indeed a barn.  I heard something move around in the rafters to see what it was.  It was a beautiful owl, and it was staring down at me.  I had never seen an owl before, and I was awestruck.  At that moment I started to hear a buzzing sound, like a swarm of bees, or maybe even June bugs, after all, it was June, so that made sense to me.  But then the barn's interior became extremely bright, as if it were lit up bu a flood light.  It was so bright that I had to cover my eyes, and it became so loud that i had to cover my ears!  I couldn't decide what to do- cover my eyes or plug my ears, so I knelt down on the barn floor and squeezed my eyes shut and plugged my ears in absolute fear. What was happening???  I wanted to run out but i knew if i opened my eyes it would be too bright to see where the doorway was, so I decided to remain on the floor until it stopped.  I got into the fetal position, and laid there for what seemed like only a few minutes.  When I could tell that the noise had finally stopped,  I opened my eyes, and everything was pitch black.  How could this be???  I looked at the doorway and it was DARK OUTSIDE!  What was happening??  Then I heard people outside the barn calling my name, and I distinctly heard my mother's panicked voice.  I got up and ran outside to a group of people carrying flashlights.  "I am over here", I said to them  My mom ran over to me, dropped the flashlight and scooped me up into her arms.  She franticly asked me why I was hiding in there, and I told her the whole story.  Needless to say she didn't believe me, and accused me of lying.  She spanked me so hard I started to cry.  She then told me that there was going to be more of that when we got home after my father got home.  It was at that point that I decided to keep all of these things to myself, because if even my own parents wouldn't believe me, WHO WOULD??

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Round Three

I was being carried to my bedroom in the middle of the night.  I was four.  I could see the hallway ceiling above me, and whomever was carrying me there were very little, like me.  There were four of them- two at my shoulders, the other two at my ankles.  They tucked me into bed, pulled the covers up to my neck, and I fell asleep.

In the morning, i woke up and asked my mother for a band aid.  She asked me why and I said I needed it for my belly button because "they" told me that I couldn't touch it, or it would get infected. She said that was so silly, as I must have had a strange dream.  I begged her to please give it to me, so she finally went to the bathroom and got one and put it on for me.  I looked down to make sure that it covered it completely.  Satisfied, I went to the kitchen for breakfast, and nothing was ever spoken about this incident ever again.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Random Brain Drop, Round Two

Are we all connected?  Since we are all made up of the same matter, does that mean that we are all related to each other?  Are we all connected to each other in the same way as the stars in the universe?

Maybe a human being's existence on earth is akin to the stars in the universe.  Are we all protons and neutrons that swirl around atom Earth, with its core as the nucleus?  Do the stars exist as we do, in the atom called the Universe, with its center as its nucleus?

Are earth portals made up of the same dark matter that black holes are made of?  And when matter enters these black holes, where does it go?

When a star dies, is it the same as when a human being dies, as stars are referred to as celestial beings?  If so, where does the star's celestial soul, or energy go?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Random Brain Drop Number One

After hearing story after story of female abductions that involved egg removal for alien hybridation, random thoughts (or memories?) have flooded my brain.  In 1989, during the most incredible visitation i had experienced thus far, "they" told me that these memories would return, when it was "time".  The memories of my childhood visitations and abductions are quite sparse, as of my brain is only "allowed" to grab single snapshots here and there.  I believe that this is because those memories were either "deleted", or purposely suppressed, as they were most likely quite horrific.  I think that most abductees are not randomly selected, and that they already have a plan for that one particular human "specimen" from beginning to end.  Therefore, by suppressing these memories it allows the abductee to avoid the post traumatic stress of reliving the experience, and the possibility of suffering a nervous breakdown, which would disrupt their plan they had for that particular individual.   Awhile ago,  i began having a lot of dreams of being pregnant, and of holding a little baby girl in my arms.  They were so real, and they were the same type of dreams that i had during both of my pregnancies, which resulted the births of two beautiful girls.  The one thing that sticks out in my mind the most, was a beautiful woman handing her to me, and telling me that her name was "Grace".  I was allowed to hold her, but then she took her away.  I was not the least bit saddened by this, as i knew there was a bigger plan far beyond my comprehension at that time, and that i would see her again.